Today, virtually all matformed wood structural panels are manufactured with oriented strands, and are commonly called oriented strand board osb. This property is unique to steel, since neither of the other materials we are considering wood and reinforced concrete has the necessary ductility to reach this state. Wood is a renewable, recyclable, biodegradable resource that is easily manufactured into a variety of viable products. Design values design values for structural glued laminated timber are dependent on the orientation of the member in relation to the applied loads. Modulus of elasticity also referred to as tensile modulus or youngs modulus. A critique of western powers wood pole serviceability dilemma. Section modulus s, nolmally calculated u ii, where is the distance from the neutml plane to the outermost fiber, is modified still further in the case of plywood beams. The section modulus for such beams is derived here. The section modulus for the wood area was calculated based on the white areas of the binarized images as follows. They are manufactured for years of troublefree, dependable use. Pdf bending properties of wood isections fabricated with. Compression parallel to grain fc modulus of elasticity e grading rules. Rectangular beams of homogeneous material, such as wood, are common in practice. It is a direct measure of the strength of the beam.
As discussed in chapter 1, the residential construction material most commonly used above grade in the united states is lightframe wood. Section properties american institute timber construction. Area moment of inertia typical cross sections i area moment of inertia, moment of inertia for an area or second moment of area for typical cross section profiles. Besides strength, we also need to be concerned about serviceability. Design specification nds for wood construction asdlrfd table c9. A beam size is then selected that has the required section modulus. Section properties aitc section properties these tables provide cross sectional area, section modulus and moment of inertia for both xx and yy axis, for standard glulam sizes. Beams and columns deflection and stress, moment of inertia, section modulus and technical information of beams and columns. This engineering data is often used in the design of structural beams or structural flexural members.
Powers latest model to calculating the section modulus. This guide uses nominal member size, but it is important to note that the designer must apply the. Chapter 12 mechanical properties of woodbased composite materials astm d 7031 for woodplastic composites, and astm d 7341 for glulam products. Plywood always has an odd number of layers, each one consisting of one or more plies, or veneers. Limiting consideration here to plywood in whid1 the ooter plies are stressed parallel to the grain. Referring to 1, the section modulus for a rectangular beam. Section modulus equations and calculators common shapes. The data in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles and is based on available technical data. What is the design moment for the beam cross section. Other geometric properties used in design include area for tension and shear, radius of gyration for compression, and moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia for stiffness.
Usually a poles height and classification are abbreviated. Evaluation of the section modulus for treestem cross sections of. The american wood council awc is the voice of north american traditional and engineered wood products. Oriented strand board panels manufactured of compressed wood wafers or strands have been marketed with such names as waferboard and oriented strand board. Calculate the section modulus for the different beams which you could use. Transformed section properties about the line xx are expressed for phase 2 composites by equations 3 and 4. United states department of agriculture rural utilities. Fraction decimal weightc psf cross sectional area, a in. The properties of wood in the 1this note is a slight revision of forest products laboratory report no. The plastic section modulus is similar to the elastic one, but defined with the assumption of full plastic yielding of the cross section due to flexural bending. Youngs modulus tensile and yield strength for common materials youngs modulus or tensile modulus alt. American institute of timber construction, englewood. For a circular cross section, k is the polar moment of inertia. Density of various wood species density of various wood species.
Mechanical properties of composite timber flitch beams. The deflection of such beams can be determined by considering them of variable cross section along their length and ap propriately solving the general. They help reduce waste by decreasing disposal costs and product damage. The resulting pseudostress is called the modulus of rupture, values of which are tabulated in chapter 5. Modulus of elasticity of wood, wood engineering design data. Area moment of inertia section properties of solid round feature calculator and equations. The transverse loads cause internal shear forces and bending moments in the beams as shown in figure 1 below.
It is composed of thin sheets of veneer, or plies, arranged in layers to form a panel. L 16 if measured g is not available, and k a crosssection shape factor. Dimension lumber design values are published as base values. Technical notes 3b brick masonry section properties may 1993 abstract. Chapter 5 design of light wood framing inches by 9. Table 1b nominal size bxd section properties of standard dressed s4s sawn lumber 50 lb. Included in this standard are test methods to determine compliance and a glossary of trade terms and definitions. Trus joist parallam plus psl with wolmanized preservative protection vative treatment penetrates all the way to the core of the cross section preser kiln dried after. Other geometric properties used in design include area for tension, radius of gyration for compression, and moment of inertia for stiffness. Section 2, and the adjustment factors are discussed in section 3. This timber pile design and construction manual has been developed by the southern pressure treater s association as its official recommendation for timber piling design and construction. Structural wood lumber engineering properties 5 and larger.
A bending stresses a bending stress is not considered to be a simple stress. Section modulus is a geometric property for a given crosssection used in the design of beams or flexural members. Handbook of pollution prevention and cleaner production, 2010. Certain mathematical expressions of the properties or elements of sections are used. For a nonprismatic member, the stress varies with the cross section and the moment. For example, a pole identified as 356 indicates a 35foot, ansi class 6 pole. This equation is also used beyond the limits of hookes law with m as the ultimate moment at failure. Section modulus is a measure of the shape of the crosstie and is calculated by dividing the moi by the greatest distance of the section from the neutral axis, calculated from dimensions and rectangular cross section. From a renewable resource that absorbs and sequesters carbon, the wood products industry makes products that are essential to everyday life. Section modulus when designing a beam another property used is section modulus z also known as sx.
Moss, michael basic, in pressure vessel design manual fourth. To calculate for the cross section on which youngs modulus of the wood is not uniform, yda and da in eq. Standard specifications for structural glued laminated timber. Shear modulus shear modulus, also called modulus of rigidity, indicates the resistance to deflection of a member caused by shear stresses.
Wood, panel and structural timber products mechanical. The intent is to find the most light weight member satisfying the section modulus size. The angle of twist of wood members about the longitudinal axis can be computed by 99 where q is angle of twist in radians, t applied torque, l member length, g shear modulus use, or approximate g by e. Equations 1 and 2 describe the transformed section properties for phase 1 composites about the line xx. Timber pile design and construction manual preserved wood. Plywood design specification supplement 5 november 2008. Section modulus is a geometric property for a given cross section used in the design of flexural members. K coefficient in deflection depending upon type and criticality of loading on beam. Wood moisture and compressive strength red spruce, longleaf pine and douglas fir moisture content and their compressive strength. When we know about a beam section and its material. Distance between outer fibers of an angle to vv axis. It is the transformed second moment of area, wt is the transformed section modulus and e is the elastic modulus.
The plastic section modulus, z x, is used to determine the limitstate of steel beams, defined as the point when the entire cross section has yielded. Structural wood lumber engineering properties table chart. Pdf introduction to timber as an engineering material. Wood cellsthe structural elements of wood tissueare of various sizes and shapes and are quite firmly cemented together. For a prismatic member constant cross section, the maximum normal stress will occur at the maximum moment. Pdf dynamic methods to evaluate the shear modulus of wood. To determine per lineal foot weight in pounds of southern pine laminated crosssections, divide the area of section shown by 4. A numerical study of the transverse modulus of wood as a function of grain orientation and properties by j. Kretschmann contents orthotropic nature of wood 41 elastic properties 42 modulus of elasticity 42 poissons ratio 42 modulus of rigidity 43 strength properties 43 common properties 43 less common properties 424 vibration properties 425. Standard specification for establishing performance ratings for woodplastic composite deck boards and guardrail systems guards or. In softwood structural lumber, 6 x 6 or larger in cross section, a shrinkage of. Timber structural lumber section sizes basic size, area, moments of inertia and section modulus for timber metric units.
The formula for the section modulus is beam width times beam depth squared divided by 6. Plywood design specification apa the engineered wood association pse fr. Know f all f b for the material or get adjustment factors and resistance factor for lrfd. This technical notes is a design aid for the building code requirements for masonry structures aci 530asce 5tms 40292 and specifications for masonry structures aci 530. The modulus of rupture for wood needs to be determined for the species of wood utilized in the crossarm construction. Additional information on wood properties and characteristics is given in references listed at the end. Elastic ratios for various wood species at approximately 12% moisture content see bottom of webpage. Lumber design values western wood products association.
Base values are constants that are applied to each grade in a particular species grouping. A two 2by6 standard beam has actual dimensions of 1. Article pdf available in journal of wood science 523. Pdf evaluation of the section modulus for treestem cross sections. S section modulus in3 i moment of inertia in4 note. Plywood plywood is the original wood structural panel. The section modulus of the crosssectional shape is of significant importance in designing beams. Section modulus is a geometric property for a given cross section used in the design of beams or flexural members. Youngs modulus of woods along the longitudinal axis. Rail seat compression test is a measure of the crushing strength or loadcarrying capacity of the crosstie at the rail seat under the tie plate and is defined as load. Freas under the title, method of computing the strength and stiffness of.
A numerical study of the transverse modulus of wood as a. In the present study, youngs modulus of the wood was assumed to be uniform over the wood area because it was difficult to weight with variable youngs modulus using a binarized image. The majority of wood cells are considerably elongated and pointed at the ends. Using the bending stress formula above, rewrite it to solve for section modulus. Section modulus is a measure of the shape of the crosstie and is calculated by divid. A beam that has a larger section modulus than another will be stronger and capable of supporting greater loads. Mechanical properties of wood forest products laboratory.
Each of these stresses will be discussed in detail as follows. Section properties of brick masonry units, steel reinforcement and brick masonry assemblages are given to simplify the. Table c panel section properties a,b for plywood nominal thickness, t in. The cross section of a tree can be divided into three basic parts. Deflections if the bending moment changes, mx across a beam of constant material and cross section then the curvature will change. Track modulus, u or k, typical values well maintained wood tie track. The principal of electrical resistance gauge is based on the fact that a change in electrical resistance is proportional to. W section modulus mm 3 some basic examples of loading and appropriate formulas for bending moment and section modulus are given in tab. In wood science, natural vibration analysis is being used to an increasing extent to characterise the longitudinal and the shear modulus of elacticity of various geometrical types of prismatic beams. Ct temperature factor for wood design ct buckling stiffness factor for wood truss design cv volume factor for glue laminated timber design d name for depth calculus symbol for differentiation dmin dimension of timber critical for buckling d shorthand for dead load name for diameter dl shorthand for dead load e modulus of. The modulus of elasticity in tension has a poor correlation to the density of clear wood and is also poorly correlated to the knot area ratio and the density of ingrade specimens. The plastic section modulus, zx, is used to determine the limitstate of steel beams. Wood handbookchapter 4mechanical properties of wood. Average youngs modulus values of wood along the longitudinal axis e l obtained from bending tests are given in the following table.
This engineering calculator will determine the section modulus for the given cross section. A renewable and plentiful resource 10 features often overlooked about the extraordinary wood pole. Macrostructure the cross section of a tree can be divided into three basic parts. Properties of structural lumber sectional properties of standard dressed s4s lumber sizes nominal size b x d, inches standard dressed size b x d, inches area of section, a sq. For the purpose of this bulletin, the modulus of rupture for wood is assumed to be 7,800 lbsin 2. Properties of structural lumber sectional properties of. As of march 2016, the serviceability assessment model sam for calculating section modulus in wood poles was updated, and the remaining diameter of a pole when assessing decay, after taking into consideration the presence of cca chemical treatment, was updated. In that case the whole section is divided in two parts, one in tension and one in compression, each under uniform stress field. Wood, panel and structural timber products mechanical properties density, fibre stress, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of clear wood, panel and structural timber products youngs modulus tensile and yield strength for common materials youngs modulus or tensile modulus alt. Section modulus is the direct measure of the strength of the steel. Dry wood cells may be empty or partly filled with deposits, such as gums and resins, or with tyloses. Area moment of inertia section properties solid round.
895 417 1386 374 844 658 6 246 289 1136 318 860 1 113 502 1181 76 1519 1032 1430 826 388 393 6 1423 584 918 1403 500 62 158 1429 185 148 653 107